
Hey there, my name is Mikhail! I am currently a second year computer science undergraduate at the National University of Singapore.

Thank you for using Volant! I am one of the five student developers who worked on this project. Volant was developed for our CS2103T Software Engineering module.

You can find more about me via my LinkedIn profile and my GitHub profile.


Volant is a travel assistant desktop application aimed at assisting solo travellers with the logistics of planning their travels. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and it is primarily based off of the Address Book 3 application developed by the CS2103T teaching team.

Summary of Contributions

You can view my code contributions to this project on RepoSense.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented Journal page of application (with Grant)

    • What it does: Allow users to view and manipulate the list of journal entries in the application.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented add command for Journal

    • What it does: Allow users to add new entries to the journal of a trip.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented sort command for Journal

    • What it does: Allow users to sort journal entries based on a chosen sorting criteria. Entries are also automatically sorted each time a new entry is added.

    • Justification: Since the journal entries are not given titles, we chose not to implement a find command. However, to make searching for a specific entry easier, the sort command arranges the entries is a logical manner such that the user can easily locate a specific entry.

    • Additional details: I chose to give users the ability to input either the whole word for their chosen sort type, or just the first letter. This decision was made in line with the target audience of "fast typers".

  • Other Contributions

    • JUnit testing for Journal commands and functionality.

    • Discussed and reviewed Volant logo design with Ranice (who created the designs).

Contributions to User Guide

Sections Written

  • GUI

    • Introduced the major components of Volant’s GUI and the purpose of each of these components.

  • Pages

    • Introduced the four pages that Volant offers and a brief overview of what each page is for.

  • Trip Commands

    • Explained what commands are available on the trip page and examples of usage of the commands.