
Hello, my name is Vu Hieu Nguyen, and I am currently a year 2 Computer Science student at National University of Singapore.

Thank you for choosing to use our travel companion, Volant. I am a member of Team Volant, which consists of five students developers, who developed Volant as our CS2103T Software Development module group project.


Volant is a travel assistant desktop application aimed at assisting solo travellers with the logistics of planning their travels. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and it is primarily based off of the Address Book 3 application developed by the CS2103T teaching team.

Summary of Contributions

I am responsible for ITINERARY features with Zeke and am the main tester of Volant. You can view my code contributions to this project on RepoSense.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented Itinerary Page of application (with Zeke)

    • What it does: Allow users to view and manipulate the itinerary with different activities in the application.

  • Testing: Refactored the code base for JUnit testing

    • Justification: Most of the original test code was for Address Book 3. These codes were modified and changed to fit our design of Volant.

  • Testing: Did JUnit testing for ITINERARY (with Zeke)

    • Highlights: I added JUnit tests for itinerary’s commands and parsers, while Zeke added JUnit tests for itinerary’s model and storage.

Contributions to Developer Guide

Figures Contributed

  • Figure 7. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the delete 1 Command

  • Figure 10. Structure of the Model Component in Itinerary

  • Figure 15. Activity Diagram for add Command

  • Figure 16. Activity Diagram for find Command