
Hi there, my name is Grant. I am currently a Year 2 Computer Science undergraduate student at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Additionally, I am a software developer in Team Volant. That’s the team that is working on this wonderful travel companion app! We’re really passionate about this project, so we hope that you enjoy the product as much as we enjoy the process.

You can find more about me via my LinkedIn profile and my GitHub profile.


Volant is a travel assistant desktop application aimed at assisting solo travellers with the logistics of planning their travels. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and it is primarily based off of the Address Book 3 application developed by the CS2103T teaching team.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

You can view my code contributions to this project on RepoSense.

Enhancements Implemented

  • Major Enhancement: Designed the class structure of the base code

    • Highlights: The class structure had to be adapted from the Address Book 3 code to support multiple views. By carefully designing the new class structure, it was easier for all developers in Team Volant to understand the project structure of Volant, effectively accelerating the initial development process.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented the Journal page of the application (with Mikhail)

    • What it does: The Journal page allows users to view and manipulate the journal entries in the application.

  • Major Enhancement: Implemented fast navigation in Trip page

    • What it does: Users can input goto i (or goto j) while on the Trip page to navigate to the Itinerary (or Journal) page.

    • Justification: This feature allows users to navigate more quickly from the Trip page to the subsequent feature pages. This is especially useful since the words "itinerary" and "journal" may be long or commonly misspelled.

  • Minor Enhancement: Implemented colour-changing enter button as an Easter egg

    • What it does: The GUI Enter button changes between the colours of the rainbow as you click.

Contributions to User Guide

Miscellaneous Contributions

  • Updated format of User Guide (with Ranice)

  • Reviewed all sections of User Guide for mid-v1.3 submission

  • Reviewed all sections of User Guide for v1.3 submission

  • Reviewed all sections of User Guide for v1.4 submission

  • Proof-reading and standardising of language use in User Guide for v1.3 submission

  • Proof-reading and standardising of language use in User Guide for v1.4 submission

  • PDF formatting of User Guide for v1.4 submission