Hello, my name is Vu Hieu Nguyen, and I am currently a year 2 Computer Science student at National University of Singapore.
Thank you for choosing to use our travel companion, Volant. I am a member of Team Volant, which consists of five students developers, who developed Volant as our CS2103T Software Development module group project.
Volant is a travel assistant desktop application aimed at assisting solo travellers with the logistics of planning their travels. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and it is primarily based off of the Address Book 3 application developed by the CS2103T teaching team.
Summary of Contributions
I am responsible for ITINERARY
features with Zeke and am the main tester of Volant. You can view my code contributions to this project
on RepoSense.
Major Enhancement: Implemented Itinerary Page of application (with Zeke)
What it does: Allow users to view and manipulate the itinerary with different activities in the application.
Testing: Refactored the code base for JUnit testing
Justification: Most of the original test code was for Address Book 3. These codes were modified and changed to fit our design of Volant.
Testing: Did JUnit testing for
(with Zeke)-
Highlights: I added JUnit tests for itinerary’s commands and parsers, while Zeke added JUnit tests for itinerary’s model and storage.
Contributions to Developer Guide
Figures Contributed
Figure 7. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the
delete 1
Command -
Figure 10. Structure of the Model Component in Itinerary
Figure 15. Activity Diagram for
Command -
Figure 16. Activity Diagram for